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Friday, January 20, 2012

Buoyancy Factor Calculation

Buoyancy Factor is the factor that is used to compensate loss of weight due to immersion in drilling fluid.

Before explaining any further, I will explain you about the basic concept of Buoyancy. Buoyancy is the upward force that keeps things afloat. The net upward buoyancy force equals to the amount of the weight of fluid displaced by the body volume. This force will make objects lighter when it immerses in fluid. For example, we feel ourselves lighter when we are in swimming pool because this is the effect of buoyancy.

In drilling operation, we need to know how much weight of string of drill pipe, completion string, etc in drilling fluid. Therefore, Buoyancy Factor is value that we need to know and be able to calculate this value. Please follow the formulas below to calculate Buoyancy Factor in different mud weight units, ppg and lb/ft3.

Buoyancy Factor using mud weight in ppg

Buoyancy Factor (BF) = (65.5 – mud weight in ppg) ÷65.5

Example: Determine the buoyancy factor for a 13.0 ppg fluid:
BF = (65.5 – 13.0) ÷ 65.5
BF = 0.8015

Buoyancy Factor using mud weight in lb/ft3

Buoyancy Factor (BF) = (489 – mud weight in lb/ft3) ÷489

Example: Determine the buoyancy factor for a 100 lb/ft3 fluid:
BF = (489 – 100) ÷489
BF = 0.7955

How to use the Buoyancy Factor

In order to figure out the actual weight of drilling string in mud, the air weight of drilling string times the buoyancy factor equal to actual weight in mud, called buoyed weight.

For example , determine the string weight in 13.0 ppg mud. Air weight of string is 350 klb.

The buoyancy factor for a 13.0 ppg fluid:
BF = (65.5 – 13.0) ÷ 65.5
BF = 0.8015

The bouyed weight of drill string in 13.0 ppg mud = 350 x 0.8015 = 280.5 Klb.

Please find the Excel sheet used to calculate Buoyancy Factor


  1. How is the 65.5 constant derived?

    1. 65.5 is the weight of steel in ppg. The buoyancy factor is the ratio between the difference in density and the density of the steel, if that makes sense: (Difference in density)/(steel density)

      Once you understand that you can find the buoyancy factor for any unit.
      In SI units it would be (7.7 - mud SG)/7.7


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