Hydrocarbons occupy a vital role in our life and continue to play an important role for many more years to come. We need to follow all technological innovations to continue our productivity standards to achieve our production targets. Let us extend our vision to achieve this mission.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Abbreviations and Acronym "C"

Abbreviations and Acronym "C"


C cent. - Centigrade
C&K - Choke and Kill
c.u. - capture unit
CAA - Clean Air Act
CAAA - Clean Air Act Amendments
CAAQS - California Air Quality Standards
CAD - computer assisted design
CAER - Community Awareness and Emergency Response
CAODC - Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors
CAP - Condition Assessment Program Survey
CAPEX - Capital Expenditure
CAPP - Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
CAR- Corrective action register
CARB - California Air Resources Board
CATS - Central Area Transmission System
CB - Core Barrel
CBHP - Constant bottomhole pressure
CBHT - Circulating BH Temperature
CBI - computer-based information
CBI - Confederation of British Industry
CBL - Cement Bond Log
CBM - Coalbed Methane
CBT - computer-based training
CBT- Computer based training
CBU - Central Business Unit
CC - Circulate and Condition mud
CC - Cracked cone Drill bits
cc - cubic centimeter
CCA - California Coastal Act
CCC - California Coastal Commission
CCC - Carrier container council
CCL - Casing collar locator
CCMP - California Coastal Management Program
CCP - Controllable Pitch Propeller
CCRS - China Corporation Register of Shipping
CCS - Cement Control System
CCS - China Classification Society
CCTV- Close circuit television
CCW - Counter Clockwise
CD - Cone dragged Bits
CDA - Common Data Access
CDP - common depth point
CDP - Comprehensive Drilling Plan
CEC - California Energy Commission
CEC - cation-exchange capacity, Drilling Fluid
CEN - European Committee for Standardization
CENELEC - European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization
CEPA - Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, drilling fluid
CES - coast earth station
CESMA - Confederation of European Union Shipmasters Associations
CET- Cement evaluation tool
Cf - Compare
Cf - Cubic Feet
cfm - cubic feet per minute
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
Cfs - Cubic Feet per Second
CG - coast guard
CGB- Completion guide base
CGBF - Concrete, Gravity Based Structure
CGT - Capital Gains Tax
CH - Catheads
CHP - Casing Hanger Pressure
CI - Cone interference Bits
CI - contour interval, Geology
CIRM - International radio maritime committee
CIT - Chartered Institute of Transport
CITHP - Closed In Tubing Hanger Pressure
CIV - Chemical Injection Valve
Class - Category in classification register
CLC - International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage
CLFP - choke line friction pressure
CLTIF - Combined Lost Time Incident Frequency
CLUP - Coastal Land Use Plan
CMC - carboxymethylcellulose, Drilling Fluids
CMC - Crown Mounted Compensator
CMC-Hi Vis - See CMC
CMC-Lo Vis - See CMC
CMHEC - carboxymethyl, hydroxyethylcellulose
CMP - common midpoint, Geophysics
CMS - carboxymethyl starch, drilling fluid
cmt - cement
CMW - Current Mud Weight
C-NET - Control Network (Profibus network)
CNG - Compressed Natural Gas
CO - Carbon Monoxide
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
COA - contract of affreightment
CoB - Center of buoyancy
COD - chemical oxygen demand, drilling fluid
COFCAW - wet combustion, Production Enhancement
CoG – Center of Gravity
Colreg - International Convention on Collision Regulations
CoM - center of Mass
COMP - California Offshore Monitoring Program
COOGER - California Offshore Oil and Gas Energy Resources
COSG- Combined operations safety case
COSHH- control of substances Hazardous to Health
CoSWP - Code of Safe Working Practices For Merchant Seamen
COW - Crude oil washing
CP - Casing Pressure
CP - Communication Processor
CPD - Controlled Pressure Drilling
CPI - Consumer Price Index
CPMG - radio frequency pulses designed by Carr, Purcell, Meiboom and Gill
CPS - Cycles Per Second
CPU - Cavern Point Unit
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CR - Cored bit
CRI - - Cutting Re-Injection
CRS - Croatian Register of Shipping
CRT - cathode ray tube
CSB Casing Stabbing Basket
CsF - Caesium Formate
csg - casing
CSS - Code of Ship management Standards
CSS - cyclic steam stimulation. or cyclic steam injection. Heavy Oil
CT - Chipped teeth drill bits
CT - coiled tubing, drilling
CT - Compliant Tower
CT - Corporation Tax
CTCO - Coiled Tubing Clean Out
CTM - Coil Tubing Measurement
CTU - cargo transport unit
CTU - Conductor Tensioning Unit, rig equipment list
CTU is a more common acronym for Coiled Tubing Unit. allows for differentiation
CUP - Conditional Use Permit
CV - Curriculum Vitae (resume)
CW - Clockwise
CWA - Clean Water Act
CWE - cold water equivalent
CWM - Catwalk Machine
CWOR - Completion Work Over Riser
CZMA - Coastal Zone Management Act


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