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Friday, March 25, 2011

Safety Alert: Chain sling failure

Incident Date:



On two separate occasions chain slings were used to perform lifting operations. The slings, from the same supplier, failed whilst a lift was being performed.

Incident consequences (potential or actual):


Cause of accident or incident:


Activity Location:

Any Location Type

Activity Type:

Lifting, crane, rigging, deck operations


Incident #1 An arrangement of 4x 5.3t collared chain slings were used in a 'basket' configuration around the lifting points of a 20t concrete block. After 5 blocks had been moved using this method team members noticed that one of the chain links had parted at its weld point. Incident#2 2 x 2 legged 11.2t chain slings to create a 4 point sling arrangement was used to relocate 13t concrete blocks, similar to incident#1 after a number, in this case 4, blocks had been moved the work party noticed that a link in the chain had failed at it's weld point.

Specific Equipment:

5.3t collared chain sling and 2 legged 11.2t chain slings.

Lessons Learnt:

The lift plan and slinging arrangement techniques were appropriate for the task.
All of the slings mentioned in this alert were new prior to the start of the operations mentioned.
The chain slings were sourced from a single supplier


OGN are concerned that the chains received were certified by batch testing only and it transpired that the name/signature on the certification was replicated (computerised signature) & also not necessarily the person who actually carried out the inspection/testing, giving concerns as to whether there had been any testing. As a result of our concerns we've initiated a requirement for all chains purchased to be tested to SWL .


The UK based sub supplier has provided us with an update which advises us that their supplier does not manufacture the chain but acts as an agent on behalf of  manufacturers in China, some of whom  who don't hold export licences. They also advised us that they have immediately withdrawn all chain from sale supplied by this company, additionally cancelled all orders with this agent and will continue to request the manufacturers details but more importantly the reason for failure.  

Task Description:

On both occasions described within this alert concrete blocks were being relocated at the work site.  On both ocassions it was not until a number of lifts had been completed did the failure occur. 


All chains recieved from this supplier were immediately placed in quarantine and returned to the supplier.
The supplier was instructed to perform an investigation as to why the equipment failed and all similar equipment is recalled awaiting the investigation and report.  It is not known at this time whether similar equipment was supplied to offshore locations.
Although NOT reportable under RIDDOR, the local HSE have been advised and will be kept advised of any actions taken.

Contact Details:

Step Change in Safety


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Discussion messages relating to this alert are linked to under Related Information (see above). To start a discussion either submit your comments to us or email us at info@stepchangeinsafety.net


1 comment:

  1. Some manufacturers use low quality material to increase their profit which is totally against the law. Such manufacturers should be fined and punished.

    Webbing Slings


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