Hydrocarbons occupy a vital role in our life and continue to play an important role for many more years to come. We need to follow all technological innovations to continue our productivity standards to achieve our production targets. Let us extend our vision to achieve this mission.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Abbreviations and Acronym "T"

Abbreviations and Acronym "T"

    TA - temporary abandonment
    TAC - Toxic Air Contaminants
    TAR - True Amplitude Recovery
    TB - Tank Battery
    TBA - To Be Advised
    tbg - Tubing
    TBOSIET - Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training
    Tcf - Trillion Cubic Feet
    TCF-Temp correlation factor, gas lift
    TCP- Tri Crecyl Phosphate - defoamer
    TCP- Tubing Conveyaed Perforating gun
    TCR - Transition Cost Recovery
    TCT- True Crystallization temp
    TD - Target Depth
    TD - Total Depth
    TDPH - Top Drive Pipe Handler
    TDS - Top Drive System
    TDS - total dissolved solids
    TDU - Transmission Dependent Utility
    TEU - Twenty feet equivalent unit
    TF - Tropical fresh load line
    TFCB - Trip for Changing Bit
    TFL - through-flowline (equipment)
    TFM - AKMH Terminology for Pipe Skate " Tubular Feeding Machine"
    TGB - Temporary Guide Base
    TGOR - Total Gas Oil Ratio
    TGOR - Total Gas Oil Ratio
    THF - Tubing Hanger Flange
    THP - Tubing Hanger Pressure
    THS - Tubing Head Spool
    TIH - Trip In Hole
    TIMS - Technical Information Management System
    TJ - tool joint
    TLL - timber load line
    TLP - Tension Leg Platform
    TM - ton miles
    TOC - Top Of Cement
    TOF - Top Of Fish
    TOL - Top Of Liner
    TOOH - Trip Out Of Hole
    TOU - Time-Of-Use
    TP - Touch Pad
    TPI - Tones per inch immersion
    TPIC - Terminal Person in Charge
    TQM - Total quality management
    TR - Temporary Refuge
    TR - Tracking Drill bit
    TRIF - Total Recordable Incident Frequency
    TRSCSSSV - Tubing Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Safety Valve
    TRSV- Tubing Retrievable Standing Valve
    TSE - Temperature Safety Element
    TSH - Temperature Safety High
    TSS's - Traffic Separation Schemes
    TT - Trip Tank
    TTC - Total Transfer Capability
    TTRD - Through Tubing Rotary Drilling
    TVD - True Vertical Depth
    TVDSS - True Vertical Depth Sub Sea

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