Hydrocarbons occupy a vital role in our life and continue to play an important role for many more years to come. We need to follow all technological innovations to continue our productivity standards to achieve our production targets. Let us extend our vision to achieve this mission.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Abbreviations and Acronym "O"

Abbreviations and Acronym "O"

    O/B - on board
    O/R - Override
    OBM - Oil-Based Mud
    OBO - ore/bulk/oil carrier
    OC - Off centre wear Drill bit
    OCA - Offshore Contractors Association
    OCIMF - Oil Companies International Marine Forum
    OCR - optical character recognition
    OCS - Outer Continental Shelf
    OCSLA - Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
    OCTG - Oil Country Tubular Goods
    OD - Outer Diameter
    ODBC - Open Data Base Connectivity
    ODT - Oil Down To
    OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
    OES - Office of Emergency Services
    OFE - Owner Furnished (delivered) Equipment
    OFS - Owner Furnished Services
    OG - Oil and Gas Directorate
    OGITF - Oil & Gas Industry Task Force
    OGML - Oil, Gas and Mineral Lease
    OIAC - Oil Industry Advisory Committee
    OIIP - oil originally in-place
    OIM - Offshore Installation Manager
    OIP - oil in-place
    OiW - oil-in-water - emulsion
    OLF - Norwegian Oil Industry Association
    OLM - Optical Link Module
    OMBO - One Man Bridge Operation
    OMW - Original Mud Weight
    OOC - Oil on Cuttings
    OOD - Officer of the deck
    OOE - Offshore Operation Engineer
    OOIP - oil originally in place
    OOW - Officer of the watch
    OPA 90 - US Oil Pollution Act of 1990
    OPEC - Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
    OPEX - Operating Expenditure
    OPITO - Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization
    OPITO - The Oil & Gas Academy
    OPPR - oil pollution preparedness and response
    OPR - Office of Planning and Research
    OPRC - International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation
    OPS - US Office of Pipeline Safety
    ORRI - Overriding Royalty Interest
    OS - operating system
    OSC - Operations safety case
    OSCP - Oil Spill Contingency Plan
    OSDD - Oilfield Services Data Dictionary
    OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    OSPAR - Oslo & Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of North East Atlantic
    OSPR - Oil Spill Prevention and Response
    OSRA - Oil Spill Risk Analysis
    OSRP - Oil Spill Response Plan
    OSRV - Oil Spill Response Vessel
    OSV - Offshore Support Vessel
    OTL - Operations Team Leader
    OTO - Oil Taxation Office (of the Inland Revenue)
    OWC - Oil Water Contact

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