Hydrocarbons occupy a vital role in our life and continue to play an important role for many more years to come. We need to follow all technological innovations to continue our productivity standards to achieve our production targets. Let us extend our vision to achieve this mission.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Abbreviations and Acronym "P"

Abbreviations and Acronym "P"

    p - Push
    P&A - Plugged and Abandoned
    P&I (or P and I) - Protection and Indemnity club
    P&ID - Process and Instrumentation drawing
    p.u. - porosity unit
    p+c - Push and Confirm
    P2 - Double Push
    PA - public address
    PAC - Pacific OCS Region
    PAH - poly-aromatic hydrocarbons
    Panamax - Ships able to transit, and allowed transit, of the Panama Canal
    PAPA - Prepare to Abandon Platform Alarm
    PB - Pinched bit
    PBL Sub - Paul Bryant Lee
    PBR - Polished Bore Receptacle
    PBTD - Plug Back Total Depth
    PBU - Pressure Build Up
    PCV - Pressure control valve
    PDC - Polycrystalline Diamond Composite
    PDC log - perforating depth control (log)
    PDG - Permanent Downhole Gauge
    PE - Petroleum Engineer
    PEDL - Petroleum Exploration & Development Licence
    Pf - phenolphthalein alkalinity
    PF - Platform
    PFD - position fixing device, personal floatation device
    PFEER - Prevention of Fire and Explosion and Emergency Response Regulations
    PG - Pressure Gradient
    PGB - Permanent Guide Base
    PGOR - Produced Gas Oil Ratio
    PGOR - Produced Gas Oil Ratio
    Ph - indicator of alkalinity & acidity
    PH - Pipe Handler
    ph - Push and Hold
    PHC - Pipehandling Crane, Sense EDM terminology
    PHR – Pipe Handler Control Room
    PHS - Tubular Handling System, Sense EDM terminology
    PI - productivity index
    PIANC - Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses
    PILOT - OGITF Successor
    PIMS - Pipeline Integrity Management System
    PINC - Potential Incident of Non-Compliance
    PLB - personal locator beacon
    PLC - Process Logic Controller
    PLC – Programmable Logic Controller
    PLEM - pipeline end manifold
    PLT - Pod Line Tensioner
    PLT - Production Logging Tool
    PLT - Production Logging Tool
    PM - particulate matter
    Pm - phenolphthalein alkalinity
    PM10 - particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter
    PM2.5 - particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter
    PMCD - Pressurized mud-cap Drilling
    PMR - Planned Maintenance Routine
    PMS - planned maintenance system
    PN - Plugged nozzle Drill bit
    POB - persons on board
    POB - pilot on board
    POBM - Pseudo-Oil-Based Mud
    PON - Petroleum Operations Notice
    POOH - Pull Out Of Hole
    POOI - Pacific Operators Offshore Incorporated
    POSVCM - Pipeline Oil Spill Volume Computer Model
    POV - Pressure Operated Valves
    PP - Pore Pressure
    ppa - pounds of proppant added
    PPB - parts per billion
    ppcf - Pounds Per Cubic Foot
    PPE - Personnel Protection Equipment
    PPG - Pounds per gallon
    ppg – Pounds per Gallon (density)
    ppm - Parts per million
    pptf - Pounds Per Thousand Feet
    PRS - Polish Register of Shipping
    PRS- Pipe Racking System
    PRT - Petroleum Revenue Tax
    PRT – Production Riser Tensioner
    PS - Power Swivel
    PSA - pressure setting assembly
    PSAC - Petroleum Services Association of Canada
    PSC - port state control
    PSC - Production Sharing Contract
    PSD - Planned Shut-Down
    PSD - Prevention of Significant Deterioration
    PSD - Process Shut Down
    PSE - Pressure Safety Element
    PSH - Pressure Safety High
    PSHL - Pressure Safety High/Low
    psi - pounds per square inch
    psi/ft - pressure gradient
    PSIA - Pounds per Square Inch Atmospheri…
    PSIG - Points per square inch, gauge
    psig - pounds per square inch gauge
    PSL - Pressure Safety Low
    PSL - Product Specification Level
    PSU - Power supply unit
    PSV - Pressure safety valve
    PTO - Permit to Operate
    PTW - Permit to Work
    PUE - Pick Up Elevator
    PUR - Plant Upset Report
    PUWER - Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
    PV - Plastic Viscosity
    PV - pore volume
    PV - pressure/vacuum
    PVT - Pit Volume Totalizer (Mud System)
    PVT - pressure-volume-temperature
    PW - Potable water
    PW - Produced Water
    PWD - Pressure(monitoring) While Drilling
    PWRI - Produced Water Re-Injection
    PWV - Production Wing Valve

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